Population Pyramid

Population Pyramids are pieces of quantitative data that contain the population of a city in percentages by order of gender. I was assigned Malibu, a city in Southern California. We look at Population Pyramids as “what gender rules what percentage” and the age-dependency ratio, which is the amount of people who are older than 64 and younger than 15, who rely on the people who are of working age: 15-64.

image (1)Population pyramid for the people of Malibu. Most of the people are of working age, while there are few elders and toddlers. 10% of the male population is 50-54 years old. In 20 years, there will be less working people, and more old people.

MNC Infographic

Untitled Infographic For this assignment we had to choose and research a Multinational Corporation, research some facts about it and put them in an infographic. Our company, Amy Lopez and I, was Microsoft. We researched how Microsoft had started and grew to be the large technology manufacturer we all know.

Fantasy Geopolitics Round 1

Fantasy Geopolitics is a game that has to do with the world, and what is going on. We draft whatever countries we want and gain points if they’re mentioned in the New York Times and given a good “rate”, but we also lose points if they did something heinous. We keep score and our points tally up.

Thursday, September 3

I drafted Syria since it is in a huge civil war, lots of people are fleeing their country and escaping to European countries such as Germany, Italy, and Greece. Syria is currently gaining lots of points and I will try to get as much points as possible.

Friday, September 4

Today is a drop/add day and I have to give up Syria. I got 53 points from Syria which got me into 2nd place, ahead of me is Vivianna Rivera with 62 points and had Iran. I drafted Hungary in hopes of gaining more points since there is alot of conflict going on there especially since refugees are not accepted there.

Monday, September 21

Today is a drop/add day and I have picked up Italy. Italy is currently taking in Syrian refugees and letting some pass through to other european countries. Italy is currently racking up lots of points from its economic growth and assistance to refugees. I will try to keep Italy for as long as possible for the points.

Tuesday, September 22

Italy has scored me up from 23rd place to 21st place. I am currently gaining lots of points from Italy. It’s is still one of the two European countries in which Syrian refugees land in to make their way into the European countries.

Friday, September 25

Italy has gotten me up to 19th place and sadly I had to drop it, but I added Iraq. Currently, Iraq is in a war with ISIS and is recruiting people to join its war against ISIS. I am currently looking forward to the results of this since it will end up good, I hope to keep Iraq.

Saturday, September 26.

Currently, Iraq has moved me up to 18th place. Iraq is managing to bomb ISIS-controlled places and continue to excel in the war. They are still recruiting people to help join the war against ISIS. They are being helped by three countries such as Russia, Syria and Iran. I am still looking forward to positive outcomes of this.

Sunday, September 27.

Iraq has moved me up to 17th place. Today, sadly, a town in Iraq was bombed by an “unknown” aircraft and resulted in the death of eight civilians. However, the town is under ISIS-Control. The unknown aircraft had apparently targeted two houses south of Kirkuk in Yorgan. I am not happy by this and I want to get rid of Iraq as soon as possible now.

Monday, September 28.

Today is the last day for Fantasy Geopolitics, I am in 17th place in the end. Iraq and Italy had helped push me to get to 17th place. I have 359 points, below me is Yasmin Olea with 358 points. I will try to do better in round 2 and make smarter choices.

Made in china

“Made in China” was an assignment assigned to us by Mr. Rojo was to explore 50 items and see where they are made from, and see where the majority of items were made in and hypothesis based on the correlations. We investigated sports gear/sports item, Home furnishing, detergents/napkins/cleaners/paper products, Electronics, and clothing. We recorded what each item was, and where it was made from.

The majority of the items I had recorded were made in China. Although, most of the detergents/cleaners/napkins/paper products were made in the North American region. Majority of the clothing, electronics, home furnishing and sports gear were manufactured and imported from China to the United States. China had the majority of the items, but for clothing items it was spread out around the world. Most of the chemically made products such as detergents/cleaners were manufactured in the United States or shipped in from Mexico or Canada. Most of the chemically made products were probably made to prevent any disaster if the transportation went awry.

The majority of electronics, home furnishing, and sports items were made in China. However, not all of them were made in China. Electronics had been made in Taiwan, China, Mexico and the United States. Home Furnishing was imported from and made by China and Mexico. Sports items were made by China, Thailand, and America. Clothing was spread around the world ranging from China, Bangladesh, Jordan, El Salvador and Honduras, and the United States. Chemically made products such as detergents/cleaners and napkins/paper products were made in Canada, Mexico, and the United States.

This is the effect of Spatial interaction, and globalization. With the advancement of transferability, we’re able to move items around freely and easier than before. As we advance more and more, we’ll be able to transfer items extremely fast. This is all due to globalization.